The Secret Behind TikTok Emojis: Where to Find and How to Use Them

The Secret Behind TikTok Emojis: Where to Find and How to Use Them
Emma Johnson

Updated 21/02/2025


We all know emojis are powerful and popular. We use them in text and on other social media platforms. But it doesn’t stop there. TikTok has created their own emojis that can be used on screen, in content, and more. But it’s a big secret and you have to know the ins and outs of that secret in order to take part in the emoji fun. These secret emojis on TikTok aren’t going to come from your emoji keyboard. Instead, they are special icons that come to life because you know the secret code to make them appear.

Special TikTok emojis come from using specific codes on the platform. In this guide, we will share everything you need to know, including how to use TikTok emojis, what they mean, and so much more. Check it out below!

What Are TikTok Secret Emojis?

These TikTok emojis codes are often called secret because you can only use them if you have the codes. While you already have emojis probably in the keyboard and text area of your phone, it’s not the same as these special TikTok emojis.

For example, if you want a smiley face, you might type [ smile ] and if you want a heart you might use [ love ]. When you know the right code and you type it into a TikTok comment or caption, the app recognizes that code and will convert it from the word to their perception of an animated and colorful emoji. These particular emojis are exclusive to the TikTok app and you won’t find the exact same ones anywhere else.

You can certainly still use your emoji keyboard, but there is just something about using these secret, special TikTok emojis that make you one of the cool kids, right? They just add some fun, personal details to your message, whatever that might be. Be part of a TikTok trend, share some emotion, or just have a little fun.

It’s your choice how you use them!

Why Do I Need to Use TikTok Secret Emojis?

You certainly are under no obligation to use these TikTok emojis codes. However, there could be some great benefits to following the crowd. If you know anything about being successful on social media, it’s that you have to know the trends and incorporate them to stay relevant. Not every trend is going to be exactly right for you, but you can’t go wrong incorporating the emoji trend on TikTok.

Getting involved in this silly trend might seem inconsequential. However, these are really more than just fun symbols. Think of it as a way to enhance your experience, but also to enhance other people looking at your content. You can stand out from the crowd with a simple code for an emoji and it’s pretty neat.

Here are some examples.

Stand Out

TikTok has millions of people and many of them are uploading content every single day. And more than just new content, there are billions of comments made every single day. You want to stand out and learning how to do TikTok emojis can help you reach that point. Standing out is a common challenge. Adding a secret TikTok emoji to a comment or a caption is going to be eye-catching and it’s going to make you stand out more.

When you consider how many millions of people you are working to stand out against, it’s pretty simple to think about using some special emojis, right? You can support other creators with emoji comments, interact with content you like, or even add these secret codes to your own content creation. The emojis are exclusive to TikTok and they are sure to draw some attention every time they are used.

If you’re a creator, using special TikTok emojis might just be the little factor that gets someone to comment, like, or even pin your post. It can work the same for comments too. You’re grabbing viewer attention and encouraging someone to stop and engage.

Join the Trend

We touched on this just slightly, but staying on trend is so important. It’s what helps you create relevance and get noticed more by the TikTok algorithm. There are a lot of great TikTok trends out there that use specific codes and emojis are among the top. You can think of code emojis almost like social currency. Using them more pays a little bit of homage to help your content get boosted in visibility and likely engagement too.

When you use the right emoji at the right time, it makes a connection. It puts you front and center of trending challenges as well as conversations. A lot of TikTok creators will use specific emoji codes to represent specific challenges. It’s one way for the TikTok family to rally together on something specific. It’s a way to show participation and be involved. It can resonate and it can draw attention to you in the right ways.

Listen. You aren’t just jumping on yet another TikTok trend. You’re participating and amplifying these trends. Do you know what that does to benefit you? It increases your visibility and your connections, broadening your exposure to help more people see you.

Express Creativity

Think of these TikTok secret emojis as a way to express yourself. You express creativity and express feelings or emotions. You get just one more way to personalize your interactions with others as well as the content you create.

We all love traditional emojis, but let’s be real. They are generic and they can sometimes get old or repetitive. They are a common way to communicate with emotions. But the special TikTok emojis take this one step further. These hidden gems are unique and only accessible right here. You aren’t going to see them overused in text messages or on other social media.

Instead, you can use them to say more and do so creatively. And that display won’t go beyond TikTok. You can use the code emojis to convey sarcasm, add flair, or even contribute to a video description. They go beyond the words that you use and just build on it.

With incorporated TikTok emojis, you can create your own conversation, create a mini story, build a mood, or show off your personality and style. You can use secret emojis together to make it even more fun.

How to Get TikTok Emojis

You know when you use traditional emojis on your phone, you either have to download a keyboard or switch to the emojis capability on your keyboard. These are all standard on multiple devices.

It doesn’t work like that on TikTok. If you want to learn how to get TikTok emojis, it’s really all about learning how to do them. It might take some memorizing to get used to, or you can always refer to a cheat sheet. The biggest thing to know is there are codes and you have to learn how to type those codes.

Here are a few examples for you:

  • Laughing face – [ joyful ]
  • Angry face – [ angry ]
  • Blushing face – [ cute ]

You might notice that some of these relate to the face you are looking for, but not all of them. For example, the blushing face is not “blush”. There will be some nuances like this that you will simply need to either take note of or try to remember. If you can’t keep them all straight, try just memorizing your favorites or the ones you will use the most. You can always look others up when you need to use them.

It’s really easy, though. You just type an opening bracket, the code for the emoji, and then the closing bracket. The app will read it and do the rest.

How to Use TikTok Emojis

Learning how to use TikTok emojis is easy. You simply need to be able to look up the proper code for what you want to portray. You can type this code in a comment or a caption field and TikTok automatically converts it into their unique emoji that matches the code.

Let’s look at some of the most popular special TikTok emojis:

Emoji NameCodeDescription
Smiling Face[ smile ]Cheerful, smiling emoji
Shocked Face[ shock ]Animated, surprised face
Love or Heart[ heart ]Simple red heart
Crying Face[ cry ]Teary face
Sunglasses[ cool ]Stylish face with sunglasses

These are just a few great examples of some of the most popular options. Don’t let this limit you though. Your creativity reigns supreme here. We’re not going to detail every single emoji with the code, but these are some others you can use:

  • Happy
  • Embarrassed
  • Shout
  • Yummy
  • Drool
  • Scream
  • Blink
  • Stun
  • Confused
  • Proud
  • Evil
  • Rage
  • Thinking

Sme of these are heavily animated and others are simple. Test them out and have some fun with them. Just enjoy the creative possibilities!

How to Do TikTok Emojis in a Creative Way

Wondering how you can be creative and not feel like you’re just using emojis just to use them? First of all, remember there is no wrong way to enjoy special TikTok emojis. However, here are a few quick tips for creativity:

  • Participate in trends
  • Create emoji combos to tell a story or build on the mood
  • Add them to your captions
  • Showcase your personality

Use them in your own videos as well as interactions. You don’t have to use them every single time, but work them in here and there!


These TikTok secret emojis are so much fun, but they are really so much more than that. They are a tool of expression and they are unique just to TikTok, making them even more desirable. It’s like a secret code and only the TikTok world gets to appreciate it. Anyone can learn how to use TikTok emojis because you just need to know the codes and type them in wherever you see fit. The possibilities are endless!

Emma Johnson

Written By: Emma Johnson

Junior Content Manager

Emma Johnson – a professional in content creation with a foundation in digital marketing. A graduate of the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature, Emma has developed a keen eye for storytelling and brand voice. She began her career as a Junior Content Manager, where she honed her skills in content strategy, editing, and social media management. Emma collaborates with cross-functional teams to produce engaging content, driving brand growth and online presence. She is dedicated to advancing her career in digital marketing, with a focus on content management and strategy, while continually learning and adapting to industry trends.


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